Journals Critical Review

Table of Contents

This is the opening of my paper.

In short, this text outlines the history of the development of the internet, from its humble beginnings as a communication network for the military to its widespread use today.

In closing


In this introduction, we will discuss the topic at hand.

American Marketing Association says that marketing is the process of creating, communicating with, delivering, exchanging and valuing products and services for clients, partners, customers and society as a whole. Marketers are now facing new challenges thanks to the growth of information technology. Many modern marketing problems have resulted from the fact that the idea has become too strong or ignored all warning signs (Wilkinson 1996).

To help you understand the issues better, we will be reviewing three academic journals. Article 3: Why and who avoids location-based marketing? Two females investigated the relationship between advertising avoidance and user perceptions (Shin and Lin 2016, 2016).

Article 1 provides a study comparison that shows how consumers react to shock-based advertisements in the UK’s not-for-profit sector (NFP), and for-profit sectors (FP). This study separates between shock ads in the FP or NFP sectors. It also aims to prove that shock ads can be viewed positively or negatively by participants based on their culture.

Focus groups were used as a qualitative method to assess the emotional and behavioral responses of many people. Focus groups are a popular method of gathering qualitative data. Participants can discuss topics in their own words. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the consumers and provides insight. This study established focus groups to allow participants to motivate and have face-to face discussions on the subject matter.

The conclusion was that shock advertising can be conducted in NFP and FP sectors. This is in direct contrast to West & Sargeant (2004) who considered shock advertising in NFPs as ‘risky.

Article 2 explores the motivations of gamers to purchase AR games. The article presents a conceptual model, based on existing research on AR and gaming.

Use of quantitative methodology. This includes using a survey tool for analysis of the model. With the help of an online panel, 642 participants from Germany provided their Pokemon Go information and were paid financial compensation.

Tables of correlations are useful in determining the percentage of reasons that motivated participants to play Pokemon Go. Search Engine Marketing was applied to the results to show that attitudes towards Pokemon Go, intentions to play it again, and factors that drive in-app purchases have all been affected. However, some factors have significant impacts on intent to purchase and continue playing the game.

The article 3 study’s goal is to determine key perceptional factors that affect consumers’ avoidance from location-based advertisements (LBA). These messages are sent to mobile devices by LBA due to their current location. Also known “push LBA”, it allows consumers to evaluate and perceive the information. The study also examines the frequency with which mobile users avoid LBA messages, and how it differs between heavy and light users.

While advertising avoidance is well-documented in many media channels, including radio, television and print, few academic studies have specifically focused on the user and intellectual factors that help consumers steer clear of LBA. Research on mobile advertising and personalized advertising is still limited.

The study relies heavily on a national survey of mobile device users conducted in Singapore, Asia’s largest LBA hub. The survey was pretested with 44 undergraduate students before it was conducted. This allowed the instruments to be processed. It was found that LBA is perceived as a barrier to goals, wasteful and inefficient, thus more people will refuse it. Sending an advertisement message with clear benefits to users is one way to overcome LBA’s goal impediment and sacrifice. Consumers will be less likely to become annoyed by an advertisement if it is perceived as beneficial and helpful.

These are the sections that will be considered:

Article 1 is coherently structured and contains a results report. Focus groups have been used to help stabilize the article’s creation and provide valuable insight on controversial topics.

This study had several limitations. It was limited in generalizability due to its small sample and restricted focus. Research on shock advertising using other forms of social media is recommended. Quantitative research is also encouraged. It is difficult to find inspiration from focus groups that are not representative of all participants.

This research will contribute to the enhancement of shock advertising literature. This research also addresses the lack of NFP literature. It evaluates individuals’ emotional reactions to shock ads. This research also examines the reactions to these advertisements by multinational consumers (Sandicki 2011).

Article 2 states that field experiments on “real-people” are a good idea. This article also highlights the importance of conducting research using pre-tested qualified questions to improve the accuracy. It’s also a great assessment due to the large sample size and high-quality analysis of statistical data.

There is still much to be discovered about the fundamental elements that influence our attention and how they affect our games. The design of the research and the focus on one country could be a weakness. This can limit the possibility of generalizability. This study was the first to make a comprehensive model of the factors that drive approval and how AR games are used on mobile.

This study is the first to make a major theoretical contribution. We have developed a comprehensive model of the factors that determine the acceptance of and use of AR mobile games. As the major contribution to this study’s theory, we have developed a comprehensive model of the factors that drive approval and use for AR games on mobile. The model shows that mobile AR games are primarily influenced by the enjoyment and nostalgia they bring to the user’s minds. In-app purchases can be controlled by flow and image.

Field experiment is used to test the effectiveness of article 3. Pilot-tested questions are applied to representative samples of high-level statistical analysis. This enhances the study’s credibility.

This study had a weakness because participants were randomly selected. Although the quota-sampling method provides a better alternative to a probability sampling method, this method must be used in order to generalize these findings to other contexts.

Through a theoretical approach, this study provides a systematic and logical understanding of LBA’s workings and helps to promote avoidance research. The study provides an overview of the key factors that influence consumers’ aversion to new advertising forms (LBA) and helps them understand how they react. Advertisers should also be able to better understand the mobile user segments.

In conclusion, these articles were written by highly qualified authors from both academic and business offices. They provide insight into the marketing processes of firms that requires special handling of certain issues.

Marketing is a complex field. However, this review brings together three articles that cover different Marketing aspects.


  • willowgreer

    I am Willow Greer, a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I enjoy writing about education and helping others learn, and I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world.

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