Philosophy Of Thanos And Its Connection With The System Of Eugenio Lopez Jr. Center For Media Arts

Table of Contents


The rationale behind it

Conditions & Terms

The idea of Salvation


Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that suggests that the greatest good for the greatest number of people should be the primary aim of any action.

Moral dilemma

Freedom and free will

Pure Evil

Unforeseen Outcomes

Immanuel Kant’s way of thinking


This is a summary of a story about a girl who finds a magical book that grants her wishes. She discovers that the book has the power to grant her whatever she desires, and she learns about the consequences of her actions as she continues to use it. She eventually comes to understand that all of her wishes come with consequences and learns to be more responsible with her wishes.

In summary,


Opening remarks

Understanding Thanos’ motivation for destroying half of the universe will be possible if we look at him in a more profound way. In the movie, we also see how he behaves throughout the film. There are many factors that contribute to intelligent beings’ development, including emotional, psychological, and physical events. This alone shows how fascinating it can be to examine someone’s life and link them with his/her ideologies. To further understand Thanos’ philosophy and life, we linked him to ELJSHS. Some societal issues were also addressed, along with other philosophical concepts.

RationaleThe significance of the relationship between Thanos & ELJSHS is explained by how it affects us as a man in an absurd universe where it is necessary to connect other factors and concepts that may impact our idea and achieve salvation. This is where our freedom, liberty, morality, ethics, and free will are most likely to be found. Ideally, we should be made to conform to the social norms, and accepted by society. This concept paper goes beyond what is acceptable or not by mass interconnecting of ELJSHSCMSHS. Thanos, who represents a great example due to his ideals and beliefs toward salvation, will be discussed further. Because of his determination to fulfill his destiny, humans would immediately think Thanos was evil. Thanos’s actions can be changed through the comparisons between ELJSHS’s system and Thanos’s philosophy. Although we all have different ideas for saving the world, his vision requires a strong desire. He believed the universal scale was unbalanced, which could lead to disaster. To reduce competition and provide more food for the survivors, he gave up half of the universe’s life to prove that resources were limited. His salvation was to commit mass murder in order to end overpopulation. Now let’s take a look at the viewpoint of someone who would like to attend ELJSHS and study media arts. Our vision of salvation is to reach our dreams and graduate. We are saved when we reach that point. However, first we need to pass the screening process. Those who do not qualify for admission are those who are unable meet the requirements.

HumanityBehind Thanos’ vision of salvation and ELJSHS is their own vision and mission for humanity. Thanos has humane intentions and believes that humans are his greatest asset. Thanos believes that happiness is possible and that the future generations of humanity will have a better quality life. His sacrifices are not suffering; they are salvation.

In connection with ELJSHS, humanity is also present as the school’s vision, mission, and purpose exist for future media professionals. This school is established for Filipinos as a whole, not just for themselves. The school is concerned about the spread of bias and fake news on all media platforms.

UtilitarianismThanos is a utilitarian view that sees him as someone who sacrifices himself for the greater good. This utilitarianism is also evident in the education system at ELJSHS. The administrators at ELJSHS may make changes to improve the ELJSHS system. The minimum grade may rise to 85, portfolio standards will be higher, and there might be other requirements. The school does not increase the system according only to one student. They do so in line with what the school requires; to better the Philippine media. According to the administration, any student that is exceptional is eligible for admission, regardless of his/her situation. A number of changes have been made to the school’s regulations and policies. They are now stricter in disciplining students to prepare them for college.

This system is similar to public universities and science high schools, where there are quotas per course and maintaining grades. The school population will decline if the students fail to reach the required standard.

Moral DilemmaWe must use our heart and mind interchangeably to address our moral dilemmas. It’s either half the population or Thanos’ beloved daughter in Thanos’s case. Both cases result in him losing something. The daily life of an educational administrator is full of moral dilemmas. Administrators face a dilemma: which path is right? Which path is best? A letter of recommendation is an example of how students can ask their teachers for help in getting into college. But what happens if the student’s skills are clearly lacking? Teachers want their students succeed. Hypothetically, they might list things they don’t fully believe they have in their recommendation letters. They don’t want anyone to feel harsh or judgmental. Companies are also affected by this. Do employees have to report criminal acts within their company or should they just go along with the flow and avoid being whistleblowers? These difficult decisions are crucial to the survival or decline of the society.

Freedom and free Will He followed his own free will and searched for the infinite stones to fulfill his destiny. Although he may be free to choose, he is not free. He broke all the moral rules during his quest.

Students on the 2nd or 3rd floors are free to choose their own path in ELJSHS. While they can leave school at any time, they must attend their classes as they are under the authority of the system. The social contract requires them to give up their freedom. If students want to regain freedom, they can exit ELJSHS with their free will.

Pure EvilThanos made his own decisions about what actions to take. He didn’t realize that the people he killed could think and make decisions. They didn’t agree to be killed early in Thanos’ scheme of salvation, but he did so anyway. Thanos believed that the sacrifice of half the population was necessary to achieve the greater good because he had a Utilitarian outlook.

Even though we can affirm that they were doing something evil, it’s difficult for us to see if those people are actually being evil. Many views exist about evil in reality, many of which are strongly linked to religion. Confucianism, for example, is concerned with social relations and appropriate behavior. This would be the opposite of good behavior. Similar to the other cardinal virtues in Taoism, compassion and moderation, as well as humility, it can be inferred that this is the analogue for evil. Although they may think they’re doing right, the rulebreakers might hold a different view. Their actions are similar to Thanos’.

Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s President can show us the evil side of reality. Although Kim Jong Un implemented some economic, agricultural and political reforms, there are still reports of human rights violations and brutal suppressions of the opposition. He continued his country’s nuclear testing, and developed missile technology, even though he indicated that he was willing to work with Trump in 2018 in this area. Random Disintegration It is still unclear whether Thanos’ death of half the population was caused by random disintegration. Only the movie’s next installment will address the question of whether there was any randomness to the characters’ deaths. But the group analysis confirms that this isn’t random disintegration, but one that has a basis. The stones have something to offer and both universal causality (determinism) and determinism exist. Marvel spent many years explaining how the six stones would work under certain conditions in all 19 films they made for their heroes. These circumstances lead us to conclude that these stones are controllable by certain wielders while still adhering to its own principles.

This inference about principles is supported by Avengers: Age of Ultron. Tony Stark discovered that the mind stone acts as a powerful entity, with an unknown “mind of its very own”, and was able to prove it. It is possible that one stone can have its own mind. Others could have their own minds. This inference made the disintegration symbolic. The other half of the most prominent members are removed; the Winter Soldier/the White Wolf, Spiderman, Groot, and many more. There are circumstances and situations that allow for the acceptance of the universal causality and determinism behind disintegrations.

There is no random disintegration in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Students must be screened before they can enter ELJSHS. The screening determines if the student is qualified and allows for school resources to be available. It is possible for applicants to be rejected by ELJSHS. This is necessary to avoid scarcity at school. Screeners use a criteria to decide who passes or fails the screening. This ensures that the screening doesn’t happen randomly. This idea is related to Malthus’ theory that the more people there are, the less resources there will be. This happens in both the MCU/ELJSHS, but it also applies to our society. Britain’s lawmakers made it a point not to feed the poor as they believed this would encourage them to reproduce. They let people starve because they didn’t want the population growth to continue. This led to unintended results.

Unintended Consequences In the film, Thanos seeks to collect all Infinity Stones so that he can save humanity. He was forced to sacrifice Gamora in order to receive the Soul Stone. Thanos felt a tremendous impact because Gamora is someone he loves and cares about. Thanos did end up benefiting from this action as he was one step closer to his mission’s end and got to collect another rock.

Unintended consequences can be compared to ELJSHS now. The screening is a method of restricting the number of students allowed to enter our school. This screening is designed to make sure that only the most qualified students have access to school resources. We aren’t sure if the students who failed to pass the screening or examination were really not worthy of a place in our school. What if they were too nervous or tired from the events of that day? This action could have the unintended result of removing a student from the school who is capable of contributing to excellence at this school. The student also lost the chance to receive a quality education at ELJSHS. This concept is also applicable to the Philippine society right now. Inflation is an increasing problem that has a direct impact on financial stability and economic growth. Officials levy taxes on different products we use every day. This money is added to the government’s budget, which then helps them create projects that will benefit the Filipino people. Ironically, many people have difficulty budgeting their money due to the high prices of products. Unintended consequences of this are further suffering by those from lower classes. Deontological Perspective: If both moral law and moral ethic are applied, the moral obligation is manifested.

The MCU exposes that Thanos’ plan for half the population to be eradicated is contradicted in the moral ethics (Avengers/Guardians) of the heroes. We can see how the moral ethics of the heroes helped to justify Thanos’ plan. The moral ethics exhibited by the heroes are what determines if Thanos’ plans are acceptable.

On the other side, in ELJSHS, the memorandums of the institution are what determine whether a student’s actions are correct or wrong. The institutional authorities set the rules. The rules must be followed by students to earn a moral obligation.

The consequences of an act are not the focus of deontological perspective. It instead examines the process involved in a given action to determine if it is positively or negatively acceptable.

Kantian ApproachThanos does not consider himself to be Kantian. He did not believe that humans were free rational beings capable able to rational behavior. He believed that he should choose the action that brings the greatest happiness to the least misery. Kant stated that one should only act in a manner that is universally acceptable to all moral beings. You can’t make the principle of “sacrifice for the greater benefit” universal. Otherwise, everyone would be sacrificed. Kant’s ethics is based only on the maxim or purpose underpinning actions and judge them according to reason. Steve Rogers is a Kantian, and he won’t sacrifice Vision to save countless Wakandan. He cannot sacrifice anyone, even if they would benefit from it.

ELJSHS does away with the grace period for students who attend school after that time. Because there is a regulation about latecomers that the council must follow, this rule applies to all students who study at our institution. Desmond Doss is another example of a heroic Seventh-Day Adventist who was a combat medic for an infantry regiment in World War II. Because he chose to save his troops and their alleged enemies, he acted as a Kantian.

Significance To fully grasp a wide topic, it is important to first link it to you. Thanos’s ideas are connected to a vast ideology. To fully grasp his philosophy, you must read hundreds of reviews, comics, movies, and articles. It is important to connect these ideas in a structured way. This is how our group came up with the concept of Thanos and the ELJSHS system. This understanding of the interconnectedness and relationship between systems is key to its relevance.

SummaryThanos believed that salvation was possible through a utilitarianism approach to his actions. It is this idea that drives him to act. The first level of ELJSHS represents our idea about salvation. This is also where we apply to be admitted. We all want to be media professionals and graduate from high school. However, this is not possible without going through college and high school. The heart is the next part of Thanos’ body. This represents humanity. Both Thanos as well as ELJSHS are driven to serve the humanity and the people. Thanos was able to make his own decisions, just as we students in ELJSHS are limited by external factors. While Thanos executes his plan to randomly decimate half of the population in order save the rest, he is constantly faced with moral dilemmas. The moral dilemma for students at ELJSHS is whether they want to pursue their dreams or if they can overcome all obstacles. Moreover, the screening process at ELJSHS is showing signs of disintegration. As we can see, the students are being assessed more critically each year than their predecessors. This means that the screening method is constantly changing and more students are being eliminated. Unintended consequences can be expected from Thanos’ random disintegration, as well as ELJSHS. Both the Kantian approach and Deontological Perspective are contradictory to Thanos’ philosophy if we insert them in his anatomy. They were therefore considered outside forces. We know that actions in schools are determined by rules. So, we can both compare ELJSHS to the Kantian approach and the deontological perspective.

We all have the conclusionThanos beliefs and ideologies. Yet, this isn’t a good or a bad philosophy. It is our beliefs that define life. We don’t have the power to make or alter the system. This is true even if we are individuals living under ELJSHS. We must learn to accept reality as it stands and follow the rules in order to live peacefully. Even though we cannot influence the whole system, we can make changes to it and create new causal links. ELJSHS can be linked to Thanos’ philosophy in many ways. Many philosophical ideas are also absurd. While we always seek answers, in reality, there aren’t any. It is us who are responsible for giving meaning to the things we experience and think about. There is no universal law or set of rules that will apply to all these ideologies. Our existence doesn’t have to be meaningless. However, we live in a meaningless place. We have the power to believe in God, destiny, or ourselves and make decisions that will affect others. Simply put, intelligence is a powerful tool that allows us to do more than just believe in God or our fate. We can control our own lives, and therefore we can decide what life looks like. But we must always be mindful of the consequences for others.

RecommendationThis concept document will help future philosophers at ELJSHS. This concept paper will help students understand the concepts and may result in an epiphany. These concepts are possible to be explored during future revisions or adaptations. The paper’s conclusion includes the idea of absurdity. This adds a sweet touch to explore the paradox of searching for answers in an endless universe and then dealing with it. Future concept papers may be inspired by the idea that absurdity can refer to man’s paradoxical nature. This is where man violates the principle of non-contradiction due to his duality. Thanos might also be linked with duality because he is both good and bad.

Future studies may also be able to link the concept paper with the philosophical idea about monsters. While we focused on Thanos in the MCU universe, future studies may focus on how Thanos in comics might be related to him in MCU. As readers can retain information better if they have personal associations with concepts, future researchers of this study must add new thoughts to their paper. A deeper understanding of the concept paper can also be achieved through real world associations.


  • willowgreer

    I am Willow Greer, a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I enjoy writing about education and helping others learn, and I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world.

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