Devos: Advancing Education And Empowering Students

Education is a fundamental part of our society, shaping the minds and futures of our youth. As such, it is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of our students. One of the most talked about changes in recent years has been the appointment of Betsy DeVos as the United States Secretary of Education. DeVos has been a controversial figure, but one thing that cannot be denied is the impact she has had on education. In this article, we will explore the benefits of DeVos in education and why many believe she is the right choice for the future of our education system.

Why DeVos is Good for Education

The appointment of Betsy DeVos as the US Secretary of Education in 2017 was met with both praise and criticism. Many hailed her as a champion of education reform while others expressed concerns about her lack of experience in public education. However, over the past few years, DeVos has implemented several key initiatives that have had a positive impact on education in America. From promoting school choice to reducing federal control, here are some of the top reasons why DeVos is good for education.

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Promoting School Choice

One of DeVos' main priorities as Secretary of Education is expanding school choice options for families. This includes programs such as charter schools, private school vouchers, and education savings accounts. The idea behind school choice is that parents should have the freedom to choose the best education option for their child, rather than being limited to their assigned public school based on their zip code.

This approach has been proven to increase academic achievement and graduation rates for students, especially those from low-income families. By giving parents more control over their child's education, DeVos believes that they will be more invested and engaged in their child's learning, leading to better outcomes.

Reducing Federal Control

Under previous administrations, the Department of Education had a much larger role in dictating education policies and standards at the state and local level. DeVos has advocated for reducing this federal control and allowing states and local communities to have more say in how education is run.

By empowering states and school districts to make decisions that best fit the needs of their students, DeVos hopes to promote innovation and creativity in education. This includes allowing more flexibility for schools to use federal funds in ways that benefit their specific student population and eliminating unnecessary regulations that hinder progress.

Empowering Teachers

DeVos has also been a strong advocate for empowering teachers and giving them more control over their classrooms. She has championed the idea of performance-based pay, which would reward teachers based on their effectiveness and impact on student learning, rather than their years of service or advanced degrees.

By creating a more merit-based system, DeVos hopes to attract and retain high-quality teachers who are passionate about their students' success. This would not only benefit the students, but also the teaching profession as a whole by recognizing and rewarding the hard work and dedication of educators.

Expanding Career and Technical Education

In today's economy, there is a growing demand for skilled workers in various industries such as healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. DeVos recognizes this need and has worked to expand access to career and technical education (CTE) programs.

CTE programs provide students with hands-on training and experience in specific fields, preparing them for high-demand jobs and bridging the skills gap in the workforce. By investing in CTE, DeVos aims to equip students with the necessary skills for success in the job market and contribute to a stronger economy.

The Pro-DeVos Perspective on Education

While critics argue that DeVos' policies disproportionately benefit the wealthy and undermine public education, her supporters believe that her approach will ultimately benefit all students. By promoting school choice and giving families more options, they argue that lower-income students who are often stuck in failing public schools will have a chance at a better education.

Furthermore, by reducing federal control and empowering states and local communities, DeVos' policies aim to create a more flexible and responsive education system. This can lead to more personalized learning experiences for students and a better alignment with the needs of the local community.

DeVos' supporters also believe that her emphasis on empowering teachers will lead to a more competitive and effective teaching force. By rewarding top-performing teachers and giving them more autonomy in the classroom, they argue that this will attract and retain the best educators, ultimately benefiting students.

Supporting DeVos for Education Reform

The benefits of DeVos' policies on education are already being seen in various states. For example, in Arizona, where school choice and charter schools have been embraced, educational achievement has improved and graduation rates have increased. In Florida, where voucher programs have been implemented, low-income and minority students have seen significant academic gains.

In addition, DeVos' efforts to reduce federal control and support localized decision making have led to more innovative and effective education programs in several states. Teachers are also increasingly recognizing the benefits of performance-based pay and are more motivated to improve their skills and impact student learning.

Overall, it is clear that DeVos' policies are having a positive impact on education in America. By promoting school choice, reducing federal control, empowering teachers, and expanding career and technical education, she is supporting a more personalized and responsive education system that benefits all students. It is time to recognize and support the positive changes that DeVos is bringing to education in America.

For more information on DeVos and her efforts to improve education, visit As one of the leading Christian universities in the country, Liberty University is committed to providing quality education and preparing students to make a positive impact in their communities.

In conclusion, it is evident that the nomination of Betsy DeVos as the Secretary of Education has brought about numerous benefits and positive changes in the education system. From improving school choice options to prioritizing the needs of students, DeVos has shown a strong commitment towards bettering education for all. With her support, we have seen an emphasis on personalized learning, increased funding for educational programs, and greater focus on vocational training. DeVos's pro-education policies have brought a fresh perspective to the field and have sparked important discussions on how to best shape our education system. While there may be differing opinions on some of her initiatives, it is clear that DeVos's impact on education has been largely positive. It is no wonder that many are standing behind her and supporting her for education reform. As we continue to strive for better education for our children, let us acknowledge the advantages of DeVos's leadership and work towards achieving a more prosperous future for our students.


  • willowgreer

    I am Willow Greer, a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I enjoy writing about education and helping others learn, and I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world.

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