The Differences Between Anorexia And Bulimia

Media can have a great impact on eating disorders. They can affect people from all backgrounds, ages and genders. It is important that people learn about different eating disorders in order to help anyone they think may be struggling with an eating problem. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two eating disorders that are very common. Anorexia and Bulimia, although both eating disorders are different, are not the same.

Media has a huge impact on the way people perceive their bodies today. This in turn promotes unhealthy weight loss, eating disorders and other issues amongst all age groups. Models and actresses are thinner as time goes on. This is part of the reason why young people have changed their perceptions of beauty. There have been a few studies which show the trend for increasing thinness between 1950 and 1990 in Playboy centrefolds, Miss America contestants and fashion model. It is clear that “beauty standards” are getting thinner. Young girls are influenced to try to achieve a thinner body, regardless of whether they use healthy weight loss methods or suffer from eating disorders. The media places an emphasis not only on a person being “beautiful”, or thin, but also their appearance. The beauty industry, which is worth billions of dollars, depends on women’s strong belief in beauty and appearance. This encourages a culture of consumption where the solution to any problem is buying products that improve one’s looks. It is true. Beauty industry sales would drop dramatically if people stopped feeling bad about themselves. If people felt better about themselves, they would spend less money on makeup, diet supplements, etc. They wouldn’t need to alter their appearance. The media can have a major impact on the perception of beauty, and eating disorders.

Anorexia affects nearly 3 million people around the globe. Anorexia is defined as “an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height” ( Anorexia affects 85%-95% women, but it can also affect men. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a fear of weight gain, limiting the food intake, even if the person is thin. They also think more about food than average people. Anorexia can be caused by many things and situations. Nobody knows for sure. This includes trying to fit the ideal or model of beauty in a culture. It can also be caused by having a close family member who is anorexic, having parents/family members that criticize their child’s eating habits/body, or encourage them to look a certain way. These include trying to fit into a certain model or ideal of beauty (culture), having a family member with anorexia, having parents or family who criticize their children’s bodies/eating habits, promote looking a certain way, or diet themselves, and experiencing stressful events or life changes, including rape, starting a new job, moving, etc. Anorexia may be caused by genetics, hormones or brain chemicals. Anorexia has been attributed by many people to a way to control their lives, relieve stress, anger or anxiety.

Bulimia, also known as “an eating problem and severe mental disorder that can go unnoticed for a very long time”, is defined by the Bulimia Nervosa website as: “People binge consume large amounts of food over a short period of times and believe they cannot stop or control the amount consumed.” Bulimics either throw up the food they ate or take laxatives to purge. Some bulimics binge and purge in addition to exercising a great deal. This exercise can be excessive and unhealthy. Bulimia is not a lifestyle choice, but a serious mental illness. Bulimia can often be difficult to recognize, as people with the eating disorder have body weights that are close to or even within healthy limits for their height, gender, age and age. The bulimia-nervosa rate in America is between 2-3 per 100 women, and as high as 5% among college women. It is unknown what causes bulimia but it’s predicted they’re similar to anorexia. Bulimia could be caused by people who want to manage their anxiety and tension. Parents or families who criticize or promote a particular diet or way of eating, as well as stressing life events (such a sexual abuse or moving) can also be a cause. Try to fit in with a certain “beauty model” (culture). Have personality traits that make you feel hopeless or want to be “perfect”.

Anorexia is a disease that affects the body negatively both internally and externally. Anorexia can cause hair to be brittle, fall out or thin. They may have yellowish nails that are brittle, and can chip very easily. Anorexic skin can also be dry and covered in fine hair. It may look patchy, yellow, or even patchy. The fine hair that covers their bodies is a way to try and keep the anorexic warm. The bruises on their skin are very dark, large, and often easily visible. There are also many other effects inside an anorexic. According to, people with anorexia often have many heart or blood problems including a slow heart rate, low blood pressure, heart flutters, and/or anemia. They also are prone to many bone problems such as “bone loss, osteoporosis, swollen joints, and fractures” ( Anorexia affects the brain in a severe way, leading to confusion, slowness of thought, and poor judgement. Constipation and menstruation may occur due to the body’s lack of energy. Anorexia also causes weak muscles and a loss of muscle mass.

Bulimia can have a variety of visible and invisible effects. “People who have bulimia will often display signs of vomiting. These include swollen face or jaw, calluses (if using the fingers to induce vomit), and blood vessels that are broken in the eye. According to a recent interview conducted with a student named Julia Smith about bulimia, people with the disorder often have cuts or scrapes around their fingers and knuckles. She had suffered from bulimia, and said that she always used her hands to throw up food. Bulimic people often suffer from internal issues, including stomach, throat, nerves and muscles, as well as problems with their bones. Bulimics often suffer from dental issues such as tooth decay, sore throats and gum disease due to their frequent vomiting. Frequent vomitng and laxative use can also lead stomach and intestinal Ulcers, indigestion and heartburn. Constipation, diarrhea, and prolapsed Bowel are all common side effects of frequent vomiting. It is also possible to have an electrolyte disorder if you frequently vomit. This happens because some electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, cannot be digested. This can cause severe dehydration as well as organ and muscles damage. Bulimia nervosa can also cause weakening of bones, heart irregularities, heart failure, and slow heartbeats.

When determining if someone has anorexia, there are several symptoms that you should be aware of. The most common signs of anorexia include a low weight relative to their height, gender, age and weight. They also tend to talk more about their body than average, fearing gaining too much weight or being “fat”, or thinking they are fat despite their thinness. The person with anorexia will often eat little or not at all (especially when around others), weigh their food and cut it into small pieces. They may also move the food around on their plate rather than eating. Anorexics often hide or try to conceal their condition, which can lead them to deny how much weight they have lost. The following are signs to look out for to determine if someone suffers from anorexia: not eating or skipping meal, making excuses, only eating small portions, not eating in public. Also, they may constantly weigh themselves, cut food into tiny bits, and/or exercise compulsively. Anorexics are known to exercise excessively, even in bad weather or when sick. They do this because they wish to burn calories that have been consumed recently. Anorexics are often also affected by other psychological disorders like depression, obsessional-compulsive behaviour, etc.

Anorexia nervosa is a very similar eating disorder. Bulimia, which is an eating disorder, can be hard to spot because many people who have it are overweight, or at least in the range of healthy weight for their gender and height. There are warning signs that bulimics show to help others notice the eating disorder. Similar to people who suffer from anorexia and bulimia have trouble eating with others, tend to exercise excessively, have a distorted perception of their body or fear getting “fat”, and have a negative body image. Bulimics often use laxatives and diet pills to encourage urination. People who have bulimia will often go to bathroom (especially immediately after eating) in order to vomit the food they’ve eaten. Bulimics can develop cuts, scrapes and calluses on their hands from vomiting frequently. The bulimia can also cause swelling in the jaw and cheeks, as well as causing teeth to appear clear because of decay. Blood vessels within their eyes may also break. People with bulimia can also be suffering from anxiety, substance addiction, or depression. According to, “Bulimia may also make someone act differently.” He or she may be sad or moody and not want the same things to happen as before. Due to the fact that bulimics often have low self-esteem, are hopeless and depressed, it can be difficult for them go out and enjoy themselves, even if this is something they used do.

Although anorexia, bulimia, and their symptoms are all different, they can be treated in the same manner. Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders are difficult to overcome on their own or even with the support of friends or family. When someone suspects that a friend or family member is suffering from anorexia and bulimia they must first arrange to meet the individual alone. They should talk to them without blaming them or making them feel bad. Avoid using terms like “just stop”, or “don’t continue doing it”, or “you should eat more”. Anorexia and bulimia are often characterized by a lack of control. They may be aware that their actions are harmful, but they cannot stop. Asking a friend who has anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders to see a doctor is advisable if you want to help them. These disorders can be treated by nutritionists as well as doctors and therapists. Doctors and Therapists can both treat any psychological illnesses that are associated with anorexia-nervosa and bulimia-nervosa, like depression, anxiety, or obsessional compulsive behavior. It will help a person with an eating disorder to eliminate any thoughts or actions that are causing the disorder. Nutritionists can help patients eat correctly and create meal plans. It is possible to recover from an eating disorder if all these steps are taken.

The conclusion is that although anorexia-nervosa (and bulimia-nervosa) have much in common, the two disorders are quite different. These eating disorders can both be treated in the same way. They are both affected by the media and may have similar causes. The effects of each eating disorder on the body are different, and each has different symptoms and signs. Both are serious eating disorders that should be taken seriously. It is important to treat these eating disorders seriously. Talk to the person and convince them to seek professional help.


  • willowgreer

    I am Willow Greer, a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I enjoy writing about education and helping others learn, and I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world.

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